On knowledge sharing and dissemination

... when circulating a working paper for comments, never put on "citations only permitted with the permission of author"

or "no parts of this paper can be used without permission of author". Rather, say "when using parts of this paper please give proper citation and help yourself". Be delighted if someone wants to quote you ... (p.7)

Source: Glaser, B. G. (2006) The roots of grounded theory. The Grounded Theory Review, 5(2/3), 1-10.

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Baju Kurung

Salam Dear Sisters ...

Many things but could not move the thoughts into this frame ... among others ...

1. June 6, Husband finally got an old car for himself and passed on the auto which is lighter and easier to me ... so goodbye taxis for a long long time I hope ...

2. Dearest Hajjah R and Husband Haji S from Brunei came for a course ... alhamduLiLLAH so thankful for such dear friends in this short and challenging life ...  

3. After a long time again I met Pak Cik in front of the Bank ...Why  we as a nation cannot sort this sad situation out ... is it help ... is it enforcement ... what is it  that is required ... Husband would say to me that I am not the mayor of the city ...
 4. Met a sweet Chinese girl in KFC today, pusing-pusing* while waiting for her mother in queue. She was in Baju Kurung*. I am drawn to this because a few days ago our newspapers highlighted some state executives and councillors refused to wear the traditional uniform that reflects the local culture ... they stated their reasons of course but ...

Anyway back to this girl, "Adik sekolah di mana?" I asked ... Seri Puteri she said. Oh ramai kawan Melayu di sana ye? I tanya lagi ... Yes, majority ... she said. Uniform baju kurung ke? I asked again. She nodded, ye baju kurung and also pinnafore pun boleh ... Tapi adik suka Baju Kurung ye? I enquired ... Ye she nodded smilingly ...

Without sounding like a mayor ... I would say that this country is perfectly alright for the under 12. Beyond that we start to have our self vision of Malaysia ...just compare the behaviour of the State Executives and Councillors with that of this sweet Chinese girl ...


1. Baju Kurung - a common dress worn by the Malay women of Malaysia. A traditional dress.Cheong Sam - traditional dress of Chinese women; Sari - traditional dress of Indian women.
2. Pusing-pusing - going here and there, keeping oneself busy without any specific purpose. Literally, pusing -round; pusing-pusing is round and round.
3. Adik sekolah di mana - Which school do you go to? Adik is a common way to address the younger ones. Adik - younger sister/brother.
4. Ramai - many
5. Kawan - friend(s)
6. Melayu -Malay

Salam and love ...

Friday, 3 June 2011

PhD Proposal

Dear Sisters,

AlhamdulliLLAH. I've sent in the proposal to Dr Z who will forward it to the University ... although it was looking very much like a draft ... I wish I had access to a University's Library.

Husband said ... send it don't worry ... you are not writing a detailed proposal yet ... it's just an indicator of your interest and focus area ...

Done ... AlhamduLillah ...

I sms'd DrZ if it's sufficient ... and he said yes for the purpose of identifying the expert or supervisor in this field.


Sisters Dearest  ... I need your doa that I have the energy ... physical, mental and spiritual ... for this journey ... insyaAllah ...
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