On knowledge sharing and dissemination

... when circulating a working paper for comments, never put on "citations only permitted with the permission of author"

or "no parts of this paper can be used without permission of author". Rather, say "when using parts of this paper please give proper citation and help yourself". Be delighted if someone wants to quote you ... (p.7)

Source: Glaser, B. G. (2006) The roots of grounded theory. The Grounded Theory Review, 5(2/3), 1-10.

Saturday, 25 November 2017

Food Homeless Scholars Rulers

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Let me share

Shaykh Hamza Yusuf Hanson  in his Syarah (1) describes that our tradition has always been

Free education
Free treatment for the sick
Food for the poor and homeless

Shaykh Hamza describes the Prophet SAW gave food to the homeless daily. Whosoever gave food to him, in turn the Prophet SAW gave it to the homeless and the needy.

 On average the Prophet SAW gave food to about 70 homeless people per day. 

And among these homeless arose scholars and rulers. Examples. Abu Huraira (RA) was the scholar who recorded the Prophet SAW sayings.

Salman Al Farisi (RA) who became the Governor of Persia.


Thus Feeding the Poor and the Homeless. Daily. Is the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW.

Let's resolve
To give food  daily. At least to one person per day.




(1) Syarah Tafseer Surah Yaseen Part 3.



It is also worth pondering our modern tradition on:

Treatment for the sick

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