On knowledge sharing and dissemination

... when circulating a working paper for comments, never put on "citations only permitted with the permission of author"

or "no parts of this paper can be used without permission of author". Rather, say "when using parts of this paper please give proper citation and help yourself". Be delighted if someone wants to quote you ... (p.7)

Source: Glaser, B. G. (2006) The roots of grounded theory. The Grounded Theory Review, 5(2/3), 1-10.

Tuesday 14 November 2017

Humaira and Falsafah

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Humaira is cucu of Mak Lang. 
Her first cucu.
She is six years old. 
Humaira calls Mak Lang Ninik. 

Mak Lang is my sister. So Humaira is also my cucu.
But she calls me Makmbong ... hehe.


Humaira and I were having a conversation.
But every now and then when I asked her about something she would answer: Tak tau.

After a few 'Tak Tau'. I said slowly to Humaira: Humaira tak tau ke (while putting my left hand up). Atau Humaira tak mau cakap (and putting my right hand up). Itu dua falsafah yang berbeza.

Humaira: Apa falsafah yang berbeza tu?
Makmbong: Falsafah tu maksudnya .. dalammmm sangat. 
Humaira: Apa dalammmm tu.

Makmbong: Kalau Humaira kata tak tau (my left hand up). Mak .. na .. nya Humaira memang tak tau. Te .. ta .. pi kalau Humaira kata tak mau cakap. Maknanya mungkin Humaira tau. Te ..ta .. pi Humaira tak mau cakap. 

Humaira: ohhh.

Makmbong: Jadi apa jawabnya tadi tu. Humaira tak tau ke (my left hand up again). Atau tak mau cakap (my right hand up).

Humaira: Tak mau cakap (and putting her corresponding hand in front of me up).

Makmbong: Humaira dah pandai falsafah. Boleh beza yang dalam-dalam.
Humaira: Falsafah (angguk-angguk :) ).


This is Humaira next to me in the car.
Kakak was driving me home from a night at Mak Lang's place.

I asked Humaira for her permission before taking her photo.
She put up her hands. Covered her face. And said No.

Kakak while driving interjected: Boleh. She is shy.

I said slowly to Humaira. In Bahasa Melayu:
No. I will not take Humaira's photo without Humaira's permission. Right Humaira?
Humaira nodded.

I added: Humaira sudah buat keputusan tidak mahu gambarnya diambil. Jadi Makmbong kena hormati keputusan Humaira. Betul Humaira?
Humaira nodded.

A few moments later: Humaira boleh Makmbong ambil gambar Humaira?
Humaira nodded.

Makmbong then took a selfie of Humaira. 

The Learning Philosopher. 

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